Housing Resource Inventory Form
The Housing Resource Inventory Form (HRIF) is a static form that is to be completed once by the CEO of the Organization. This form is intended to capture all available community assets (Resources), including those attributed to CA in Simcoe County.
This form would need to be re-submitted ONLY if there is a material change to the number or type of assets (Resources) awarded to the Organization completing the form.
By completing the HRIF, you are adding information that will inform the total community housing resource inventory for Simcoe County.
Completing this form does NOT signal a request for referrals to be made to the resources that are listed.
Only by completing a Housing Resource Availability Form (HRAF) will the prioritization and matching process be initiated.
Housing Resource Availability Form
The Housing Resource Availability Form (HRAF) is to be completed for each individual resource that becomes available. This form is intended to initiate the prioritization and matching process.